
3. The Communist Repression

Room 5, ground floor: The Map Room

Room 6, ground floor: The Romania of Prisons

Details from Room 6: The Romania of Prisons

Room 14: The Securitate between 1948 – 1989

Room 17, ground floor: Forced labour (the Canal, the lead mines, Salcia)

Room 46, 1st floor: Article 209

Room 47, 1st floor: The Deportation to Bărăgan

Room 69, 2nd floor: Repressed Families

Room 71, 2nd floor: Detained Students

Room 22, ground floor: Bessarabia in the Gulag

Room 41, 1st floor: Ethnic repression

Room 52, 1st floor: Women in Prison

Room 50, 1st floor: The Pitești Phenomenon

Room 72, 2nd floor: Medicine in Prison

3. The Communist Repression