- In this tour you can see dynamic panoramas describing the following spaces:
- (Right click on the room's title to place it on the map)
- 2nd floor
- Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
- Room 76: Daily life
- Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
- Room 78: “The Golden Age” or kitsch Communism
- Room 79: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov
- Room 80: Freedom via radio waves
In this tour you can see dynamic panoramas describing the following spaces: (Right click on the room's title to place it on the map) 2nd floor Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s Room 76: Daily life Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade Room 78: “The Golden Age” or kitsch Communism Room 79: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov Room 80: Freedom via radio waves

6. “The Golden Age”: Opposition, Daily Life
Room 78, 2nd floor: “The Golden Age” or kitsch Communism
Room 76, 2nd floor: Daily life
Room 77, 2nd floor: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Room 79, 2nd floor: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov
Room 75, 2nd floor: The demolitions of the ‘80s
Room 80, 2nd floor: Freedom via radio waves
This room reproduces the stuffy feeling of noisy and exaggerated festivity and of the hallucinating cult of personality that Romania was engulfed in during the 80s.
Detail from Room 78: “The Golden Age” or kitsch Communism
Alongside the hideous portraits constructed during the “Cântarea României” (Praise to Romania) festival, people can see the academic regalia received by the two dictators when receiving the titles of “doctor honoris causa” from various universities.
Detail from Room 78: “The Golden Age” or kitsch Communism
Documents & images
Daily life in Communist years saw a winding evolution, depending on the economic and political conditions.
The nationalization of industry, the collectivization of agriculture, the Soviet-type 5-year plans, led to a decrease of the economic efficiency and to an equalized poverty of the population.
In the first stage of Communism, daily wretchedness was masked by a suffocating Stalinist propaganda.
Overall view of Room 76: Daily life
Detail from Room 76: Daily life
Following a relative economic redress and a political liberalization, in the first years following 1964, the Communist regime fell back into an economic and cultural degringolade, caused by hyper-industrialization, by the autarchic investment system, by Romania’s fall into a cultural isolation which was marked, this time, by the Sino-Korean-inspired cult of personality.
Detail from Room 76: Daily life
The two periods are illustrated in this room through the specific objects, images and sounds, through the moulds and models, the slogans and pop hits, the taboos and the mentalities accompanying the lives of most of the Romanian population…
…The one not living beyond bars, but affording the freedom under surveillance outside the walls…
Detail from Room 76: Daily life
Documents & images
Starting with the Goma Movement and the SLOMR, with the brave actions of Doina Cornea, of Vasile Paraschiv, of Ionel Cană and of other opponents is various cities and environments, to the “propaganda against Social order” undertaken by dozens of young people, including Radu Filipescu, and to the sacrifice of engineer Gheorghe Ursu and with the editing of the “România” clandestine newspaper by a group pf brave journalists (Petre Mihai Băcanu, Mihai Creangă, Anton Uncu, Alexandru Chivoiu, Ștefan Niculescu Maier), the exhibition showcases exceptional cases in a country that had been reduced to silence and submission.
Overall view of Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
“I left Cluj carrying the letter to Papa. I carried it inside a doll. My daughter was 10 months old and she was travelling with the doll and the letter, in her car landau.”
Ariadna Combes n. Iuhas, Doina Cornea‘s daughter
Photo: The doll used to hide various letters she was sending to the West, donated by Mrs. Doina Cornea to the Sighet Memorial. Detail from Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
“This multiplier was specifically made by us, of course, you would turn the crank and the manifesto would come out. The multiplier was a device which was a combination of cylinders, that is the ink absorption cylinder, the paper guiding cylinder, the printing cylinder, the one with the text…”
Mariana Gherghina-Besciu
Photo: Cylinder used in the ’70s to copy anti-Communist manifestos, donated to the Memorial by spouses Gherghina Besciu. Detail from Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Manifestos imprinted with the multiplier
Detail from Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
“My father was left there, in prison, after he was tortured, for 3 days, as I was told, so there would nothing left to be done. He was taken to hospital just for the sake of it, because the Securitate guys did not want him to die in their arrest. But there was nothing the doctors could do when he reached the hospital, he was half dead.”
Andrei Ursu
Photo: Personal objects of Gheorghe Ursu, donated to the Memorial by his son, Andrei. Detail from Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Photo: Letters to Free Europe written by Vasile Paraschiv
Detail from Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Manifestos distributed in thousands of copies by Radu Filipescu, to raise the awareness of the public opinion and for the protection of human rights
Detail from Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Coat sent to the family after engineer Gheorghe Ursu‘s death in prison
Detail of Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Detail of Room 77: Opponents and dissidents in the 8th and 9th decade
Documents & images
The workers’ protests in Valea Jiului (1977) and in Brașov (1987) were, in their time, not only a protest against the order-based economy and the cult of personality performed by the nomenklatura, but also a proof that the Communist Party was even challenged by the working class, on whose behalf it pretended to govern.
Overall view of Room 79: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov
Once the resistance of intellectual and peasant elites was crushed in the ’50s and ’60s, over the following years the resistance of the working class itself was also repressed. Failure to take these signals into account led to the bankruptcy of state Communism, as it would soon be evident in in December 1989.
Detail from Room 79: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov
The miners’ strike in Valea Jiului in August 1977 was the first protest of workers, immediately repressed by Communist authorities. The delegates who attended the meeting with Nicolae Ceaușescu were arrested. Over 4,000 miners were fired and approximately 3,000 were “transferred” to other mines, outside Valea Jiului. The Lupeni region was declared a “forbidden area”.
Detail from Room 79: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov
On 15 November 1987, the first protest took place on the streets of Brașov, where, after over four decades of smouldering discontent, Communism was openly challenged by thousands of workers.
Detail from Room 79: Workers’ protests in Valea Jiului and Brașov
Documents & images
The demolitions in Bucharest in the 1980s, under Ceaușescu’s orders, were the worst operations of destroying the historic and cultural heritage.
The key piece of this project was a presidential palace surrounded by ministries and other public institutions, including the dignitaries’ homes.
Overall view of Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
The most notorious and least justifiable demolition was that of the Văcărești Monastery ensemble (18th century), located on the outskirts of the capital city.
Detail from Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
Monasteries and churches were destroyed, some over 300 years old, together with family homes, blocks of flats and public buildings. Other churches were moved or completely hidden from sight by the new buildings.
Detail from Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
Detail from Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
The exhibition shows a few case studies of the demolition of other urban centres with a visible traditional specificity, showing the depth of the wounds following demolitions, also experienced in the rest of the country.
Detail from Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
Detail from Room 75: The demolitions of the ‘80s
Documents & images
Overall view of Room 80: Freedom via radio waves
Western radio stations broadcasting Romanian language programs would make up for the premeditated lack of information, whereby the Party and Securitate systems wished to isolate the population from the world, and even from domestic realities.
Detail from Room 80: Freedom via radio waves
The editors of Free Europe, of the BBC, of the Voice of America or of the Voice of Germany had become, their faces anonymous, members of millions of families. Strictly prohibited, these voices of democracy were listened to in secret, and then broadcast from one person to the next, stimulating solidarity and complicity in the spirit of western democracy.
Detail from Room 80: Freedom via radio waves
Strictly prohibited, these voices of democracy were listened to in secret, and then broadcast from one person to the next, stimulating solidarity and complicity in the spirit of western democracy.
Detail from Room 80: Freedom via radio waves
Documents & images